About Us

CoffeeSweat 創辦人 - 林芊妤
CoffeeSweat Founder - Coffee Lam
"Hey guys, welcome to my channel!" I have been sharing exercise and yoga videos with you all on YouTube for a long time without even realising it. Thank you for your continuous support. I used to be someone who lacked confidence in myself. I was always weak and easy to get sick when I was young, and later suffered from early stage of cervical cancer and scleroderma, which left me feeling exhausted. Then I discovered yoga, which helped me get through the lows of life and became my lifelong career. After obtaining an internationally recognised yoga qualification, I became a full-time yoga instructor in 2013. I then started sharing yoga, exercise, and lifestyle videos on YouTube in 2015, slowly accumulating over one million subscribers. As a yoga instructor, I received a lot of positive feedback from my students. It gave me a great deal of satisfaction when I realised I can help them ease their body pains through teaching. I also influenced some people who never exercised in their life to start exercising. I still remember meeting a waitress in her 50s at a restaurant. She told me that she followed my workout videos and lost 60 pounds in two years. Her story was a great encouragement to me. I'm not a doctor, but I hope to encourage everyone to strive to become healthy. I often say "body shape and health are something we have to work hard for ourselves", hoping to inspire everyone to get moving. Take a step forward to make the first change, and slowly build up your confidence.
"Be a Believer.
You are stronger than you know.”
品牌故事 - 創業起源
Brand Story - How it All Began
In my 10 years of yoga teaching experience, I have worn various types and brands of yoga apparels and developed a strong sense of touch and understanding of the design. However, I have never found a piece that can satisfy my needs with the balance of both appearance and function. Until 2020, when my yoga teaching and YouTube channel were more stable, I decided to create my own brand, personally selecting colours, fabrics, designs, packaging, etc., hoping to create the ideal yoga apparel I have in mind. It is also a way for me to encourage everyone to adapt the habit of exercise in their lifestyle by creating beautiful and slimming yoga apparels. It definitely brings me a great sense of joy and satisfaction when I see my students wearing the brand I created to exercise.

CoffeeSweat 意義
The Meaning of CoffeeSweat
對不少人而言,「coffee time」是喝咖啡的時間,但對於我的學生和觀眾而言,她們說「coffee time」就是跟着YouTube影片做運動的時間。多年來我在YouTube發佈過不少影片,經常收到人們在Instagram上標記我並上傳跟着我做運動後汗流浹背的動態照片,於是靈機一觸將「coffee」和「sweat」兩個概念串連起來,成為了品牌名稱。CoffeeSweat的意義是希望大家做運動就像喝咖啡一樣上癮,透過揮灑汗水釋放安多酚和獲得正能量,每天都元氣滿滿!
The phrase “Coffee Time” to most people genuinely means the time to drink coffee but it has a very different meaning to my audience and students. They say “Coffee Time” is the time to do workout videos from my YouTube channel. The idea of putting Coffee and Sweat together came to me when my followers tagged me every time they sweat after doing my workout videos. The meaning behind CoffeeSweat is to encourage people to get addicted to working out like how people get addicted to drinking coffee. I also hope that people can feel the positivity and benefits of releasing endorphins through sweating to make their day fulfilled.
Business Objectives
Creating something that everybody loves is one of CoffeeSweat’s main objectives. We take it very seriously when it comes to customers’ feedbacks, comments and complaints. Those are the things that help us to become better and improve our understanding of customers’ needs. We enjoy reposting posts and stories that customers have tagged us because that is our way of showing our gratitude and letting them know that we hear them. From seeing customers buying CoffeeSweat to support me at first to truly becoming a loyal customer and believe in our quality is my biggest achievement.
Our Best-Selling Products
Challenge Me Bra 和 Good Vibes Leggings 都是CoffeeSweat的皇牌產品,開售至今已經賣出超過20,000件,斷碼售罄後仍不斷收到客人的補貨查詢。現時巿面上有各式各樣的瑜伽服飾,有些外形花巧,專為打卡拍照而設;有些物料舒適,重視功能多於美觀。我們的產品則希望在各個方面取得平衡,簡約美麗,強調修身顯瘦效果,突顯玲瓏浮凸的身材曲線,並採用透氣、彈性及耐用布料,多次穿着後仍保持質感。我們相信最好的產品並非霎眼的潮流,而是可以成為永恆經典。
Challenge Me Bra and Good Vibes Leggings are our best-selling products at all times. We have sold at least 20,000 pieces since we have established and there are still many customers enquiring about restock every now and then. There are a lot of different varieties of Yoga apparels out in the market nowadays, some are focused on designs and aesthetics, and some are more focused on the fabrics and sewing techniques. As for CoffeeSweat, we are hoping to achieve a simple yet functional design where the balance between creativity and comfort can be found in every single item. Our goal is to create something that is durable, functional, breathable as well as comfortable and fashionable. We believe a great product should have a fundamentally good design in order to become a timeless classic.
Thank you to you all......
We hope you love wearing CoffeeSweat as much as we love creating it. Imagine yourself working out with me, sweating with me and staying strong with me when you put on your favourite piece of CoffeeSweat,. Thank you so much for your support as always. The positive and negative feedbacks you have all given me have made me continuously learn and grow. I hope you can keep your fitness momentum going, stay healthy and never stop sweating. Make CoffeeSweat proud ❤️