Motion Pants
Motion Pants
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- 将瑜伽裤放入洗衣袋并预留一半空位
- 使用非常温和洗涤程序,最高温度30°C
- 不应使用漂白剂或柔顺剂
- 不可干洗
- 只可低温干衣或自然风干
- 不可熨烫
Motion Pants专为瑜伽、运动及休闲服装配搭设计,喇叭版型极之适合运动造型及日常个性穿搭
• 适合健身,瑜伽,普拉提,慢跑,行山,户外活动及日常穿搭等等
• 高腰设计令整体包覆效果更显瘦
• 侧面开叉喇叭版型令视觉上拉长比例
• 巧妙设计的裤长及宽度能轻松拥有修长笔直的双腿
• 可配搭Active Long Sleeve穿着
72% 尼龙, 28% 氨纶
I was hesitant to get the white pants but black was sold out so I got the white motion pants!
It was soooo pretty! They fit perfectly. I’m 5’3”. And they were not long on me given my torso is shorter and legs are longer.
I got so much compliment! I wish the black would be restocked!!
本身最想買黑色, 不過因為無貨所以買左greige
但係完全無! 個cutting影到成個都好修長超級靚
I spent a long time to decide if to buy this pair of pants. Turned out I like it so much that the pants have nice cutting that I look taller than I am and it’s so comfortable. Black one is almost sold out but my greige also look pretty good that it’s even a better daily clothing than the black one (I have too many black pants for work)
好少見有白色喇叭瑜珈褲 必須入手一條
The design is excellent with good quality, but the length of the pants is too long for me even if it's XS. Hope a "short version" is available for girls with short stature like me in the future, thanks :)